Friday, November 12, 2004

My Friend the Scarecrow

So the mood in Seattle, and especially in the U-district, has been decidedly somber of late, owing in part to John Kerry's loss of the election and the sudden and constant onslaught of midterms. I remember a day not so long gone when they were called midterms because they were in the middle of the term. Now I can't seem to be rid of them, even though I'm only taking three classes. I feel as though I'm in some creepy episode of the Twilight Zone. You know, the one where you just keep taking tests and taking tests and taking tests...

In the quest to cheer myself up I found myself stumbling into Scarecrow Video, this gigantic video store in Seattle that specializes in indie and foreign flicks. I am now officially in a perpetual state of bliss. They have more Chinese movies and bad Hong Kong kung fu flicks than I could watch in ten years, literally just walls and walls of them. I'll never be bored again.

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