And now for something completely different: John Michael, who has always had a bit of a reputation for being a sleep walker/talker, always goes to bed before me because he has to work so early in the morning. Consequently, he was asleep when I went in to bed one night earlier this week, but it didn't stop him from having a conversation with me.
"Munch man has to pee," he said matter-of-factly.
"Oh," I said. "Who is Munch Man?"
"It's me," he said. "Because I'm carrying munch food."
"What is munch food?"
He gave me a look of utter disdain, completely repulsed by my obvious ignorance. "You know!" he said. "It's the food you eat to regain your health after you fight the bandits!"
I should add a little background knowledge here. We have a game for our XBox called Fable - really a fantastic game; even I'm hooked on it - in which you have to fight bandits in a mideval fantasy world. Throughout the game you find bits of food like apples and tofu, which you can eat later to make yourself feel better after the bandits have beaten you senseless.
"Oh," I said. I was trying to sound apologetic without outright laughing, even though I knew he wouldn't remember any of this the next day. "I didn't know it was called munch food."
"Well that's what I call it, anyway."
And then he went back to sleep.
After that I tried to ground him from video games, but when I came home from school yeseterday he was playing again. I'm afraid I'm suffering from the plight of the common wife: complete impotence as far as any influence over her husband's entertainment habits.
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